Black Census to Capture Race Inequality


Alicia Garza started Black Futures Lab (BFL) to explore and empower black lives in America. The program works on engaging black voters year-round to create political influence at every level. To be effective, BFL has launched a national survey to collect feedback from black communities. The Black Census Project aims to understand the complicated issues underlying race inequality in America today, then use that data to educate and influence policymakers.

BLF is targeting 200,000 census participants in 2018, the most extensive survey of its kind in over 150 years. Participants can complete the survey online or in-person; BLF organizers will be going door-to-door to ensure a diverse sample population. Topics covered will address mass incarceration, police violence, and economic inequality, amongst others.

Race inequality is a hot-button topic today. How can we affect change without truly understanding the issues? Many have an opinion, but few are willing to listen to those most impacted. BLF and the Black Census Project are setting the record straight. Learn more or take the census here.