The Diaspora Map

The International diaspora Engagement Alliances (IdEA) has launched an interactive map for people and organizations that work for and are interested in learning about diaspora organizations around the world. To date, 175 organizations from all over the world are featured on the map. Although the vast majority of the diaspora organizations are located in the United States, there is a growing list of organizations joining from eastern Africa, the Middle East, and Europe. IdEA said that in some cases, inclusion on the map is the only online presence for these diaspora groups. Designed as a learning tool, IdEA envisions that this map will represent the most comprehensive database of diaspora organization worldwide.

The Diaspora Map allows organizations to post events such as workshops, job listings, and any announcement the organizations would like to share. The interface allows users to quickly glance at announcements from each continent or apply different filters while searching through the hundreds of organizations. IdEA believes the map will increase the exposure and networking opportunities for people worldwide.

Visit the interactive map today to learn more about the various diaspora groups working around the world.